Mindful Crafting

It’s important that we take conscious steps to look after our minds to be the happiest we can be. “The inner peace of an alert and calm mind are the source of real happiness and good health.” - His Holiness The Dalai Lama When you ask people why they craft the most common replies are because it makes me happy, 'it reduces stress', 'it gives me a chance to have "me time"', 'I enjoy being creative' and that 'I’m able to socialise with likeminded people'. Any type of crafting is perfect to unwind and escape any worries or concerns and focus on being in the moment whilst being creative. Reduces Stress Research has shown that the often repetitive and focused nature of crafting can send the body and mind into a zen-like state that is similar to the effects of meditation. Socialise It gives people a chance to communicate and socialise with likeminded people that have one thing in common, the passion to create beautiful things. CraftStash Chat group has thousands of crafters sharing inspiration, asking for advice and having friendly chats with one another. More benefits of Crafting
  • Improves Patience and Motivation
  • Gives a Sense of Satisfaction
  • Improve your Mood
  • Helps with Hand-Eye Coordination
  • Boost your Brainpower
  • Brilliant Way to Express Yourself

So with this in mind, get your craft on!!