It's unsurprising that many so famous figures, such as David Beckham, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato and Cara Delavigne, use their spare time in crafting! From knitting and crocheting, through to paper and yarn, actors, businesswomen, musicians and more are turning to craft. Read on to find out more about why craft is the 'go-to' way to relax and reduce anxiety!

When you ask people why they craft, the most common replies are because it makes them happy, “it reduces stress”, “it gives me a chance to have “me time”, “I enjoy being creative” and that “I’m able to socialise with likeminded people”. Any type of crafting is perfect to unwind and escape any worries or concerns and focus on being in the moment whilst being creative.

Crafting has so many beneficial effects on for your mental health and, as a strong online community, providing a fantastic variety of crafts, we are thrilled to announce that we are an official supporter of Mental Health UK. We knew through supporting such a worthy cause we would be helping in some way, our employees, customers, clients and the communities in which we work.

How does craft help with your mental well being?

So why are all these celebs choosing to get crafty! The BBC and University College London's research proved that being creative can help you with your mental wellbeing in so many ways.

Mental Health UK considers that crafting will not only help distract you from your anxious thoughts, it can also boost your confidence and self-esteem.

Top Celebrity Crafters!

Didn’t think crafting was cool? These crafty celebs prove that crochet hooks and sewing machines have never really been out of fashion!

Taylor Swift

Princess of Pop Taylor is a bit of multi-crafter! She’s clearly not just creative when it comes to her clever song lyrics but can turn her hand to a multitude of creative projects. She’s been known to make handmade Christmas cards, watercolour paintings and cute handmade snowglobes. She even gave ed Sheeran some embroidery hoop art and Katy Perry a hand-embroidered baby blanket.

David Beckham

I’m not sure any of us would have guessed that David Beckham was handy with a needle and thread if his wife Victoria hadn’t posted this cute pic of him sewing a dress for one of Harper’s dollies... looks like he’s following a pattern!

Paul Newman

Make do and mend! If Paul Newman can stitch on a missing suit button with his arm in a sling then you can too. No excuses!

Cara Delavigne

Cara has been spotted knitting in public between fashion shows! She posted a pic on Instagram with the label  ‘Knitting is the BOMB’

Patrick Stewart

Another actor that likes to knit. He says that his mother taught him to knit but for his role in Match he picked it back up again. He looks like he’s managing to knit and watch TV at the same time which is quite an advanced skill if you don’t want to slip any stitches.

Get more Information & Support on Mental Health UK HERE.