Are you struggling with ink blending and not achieving the flawless results you see in crafting tutorials? Fear not! In this post, our craft expert, Lou Collins, would uncover the five common mistakes you might be making with your ink blending techniques. She will also share invaluable tips and tricks to help you perfect your ink blending skills. Let's get started!

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Mistake 1: Neglecting Brush Cleanliness

Keeping your blending brushes clean and separate is very important. Even if you can't have a separate brush for each colour, regular cleaning with a dry cloth can prevent colour transfer and muddy blends.

Mistake 2: Poor Colour Selection

Lou advises on choosing compatible colours by considering the colour wheel. Blending similar colours produces seamless results, while blending distant colours can lead to issues. She recommends using a middle colour to transition for a smoother blend.

Mistake 3: Skipping the Middle Colour

Lou demonstrates the need for a middle colour when blending distant hues. Using green as an intermediary between blue and orange is an excellent example. Understanding primary colours helps identify suitable middle colours.

Mistake 4: Applying Ink in Swipes

There's a difference between applying ink in swipes and using circular motions. Circular blending captures the grain of the paper and provides a smoother, more even colour application, eliminating white grain edges.

Browse all of our Ink Blending Brushes here - Ink Blending Brushes

Mistake 5: Forgetting the Blending Mat

Lou recommends using a blending mat when blending edges for a softer blend. Applying ink to the mat first and then transferring it to the paper prevents dark patches and uneven blending along the edges.

Bonus Tip: Avoiding Finger Marks

To avoid leaving fingerprints on your work while blending, Lou shares a handy tip. Wrap a piece of cardstock around the wet ink panel to create a handle, allowing precise blending without smudging.

By addressing these five common mistakes and following Lou's expert advice, you can significantly improve your ink blending skills. Whether you're a crafting beginner or looking to enhance your blending techniques, these tips will help you achieve perfect blends every time. Happy crafting!

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